Warren Kinsella vs. Randy Hillier


Thursday, May 17, 2007
Warren Kinsella's basic food groups: grains, fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy, and laundry detergent?
By now, I'm sure most of you have noticed Warren Kinsella's attempt to smear Ontario Conservative Randy Hillier on his (Kinsella's) blog. Small Dead Animals does an efficient smackdown, and she's not alone. However, there is one aspect of this that has been missed.

Warren takes issue with Hillier for part of this sentence: "I will remove health inspectors who pour bleach on egg sandwiches at church socials." Taken to its logical conclusion, I can only assume that Warren wants to make sure every Ontarian's diet includes the proper daily amount of - laundry detergent.

I can see the ad now: Vote Liberal for your daily cup of tasty Clorox!

Perhaps someone should ask Dalton McGuinty if Dub-K is still drawing a check from the Ontario Liberal Party. If so, they're not getting their money's worth from him, as political adviser or nutritionist!